I S S U E 1
O The Blue Line, Vincent Dogna
O Photography (Rui Pinto), André Brito
O The Sunday Runner, João Coutinho
O Interview, Grégoire Millet
O Silver is worth more than gold, Cipriano Lucas
O Instability as a tool to develop a stable runner, Federico Pizzuto | Manuel Vitor | Marisa Vieira
O The Hotel Running Friendly concept
O Fast Track Training, José Regalo | Paulo Colaço

O Running and the city, Marta Vilarinho de Freitas
O Photography (Vanessa Fernandes), André Brito
O Health, Francisco Teixeira e Melo
O Interview, Andrew Jones
O 25 Laps, Cipriano Lucas
O Flexi-bar, Manuel Vitor | Federico Pizzuto | Marisa Vieira
O Training Camp
O The best season, Carlos Monteiro | Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 2
I S S U E 3
O Anatomy of a runner, Frederico Elias
O Photography (Body of running), André Brito
O One day, each day is enough, Manuel Puerta da Costa
O Interview, Renato Canova
O From Miragaia to the world, Cipriano Lucas
O Medicine Ball as a tool to improve specific strength in runners, Manuel Vitor | Federico Pizzuto | Marisa Vieira
O Marathon Training Camp
O Back to the future, Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 4
O Fun Run, Adão Silva
O Photography (Licinio Pimentel), André Brito
O Run Renata Run, Renata Gomes
O Interview, Jack Daniels
O Running against myself, Cipriano Lucas
O Use your body, Marisa Viera | Paulo Colaço
O Cross Training Camp
O Starting in the right way, Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 5
O Facing your fear, Pedro Codeço
O Photography (Speed Matters), André Brito
O A reflexion of my crazy passion for running, Mário Carreira
O Interview, Henrik Larson
O The runner who collected friends among opponents, Cipriano Lucas
O Myofascial Realease, Marisa Viera | Paulo Colaço
O Running Friendly Hotels
O The importance of uphills in the training schedulle, Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 6
O Let's Run, Vincent Dogna
O Lab, André Brito
O Tomorrow I'll just rest, Ana Luis Reis
O Interview, Peter Thompson
O London Marathon's King, Cipriano Lucas
O Throwing, Marisa Viera | Paulo Colaço
O Running Friendly Hotels
O Learn to run by improving the running performance motor, Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 7
O Every Breath you take, Gustavo Baía
O 21.0975km Finish Line, André Brito
O Prioritize the training, Mikael Mestre
O Interview, Ron Maughan
O Interval Training Generation, Cipriano Lucas
O Bars, Marisa Viera | Paulo Colaço
O Technical qualification for runners
O Pratical strategies to run without injuries, Hugo Correia | Paulo Colaço
I S S U E 8
O Flowing Motion, Teresa Zawitkowska
O Running with a ball, André Brito
O The key for a new mindset, Carlos Correia
O Interview, Neeru Jayanthi
O Determination as a fuel, Cipriano Lucas
O Vibration, Abel Lobato
O Run4hotels
O Play Hard, Paulo Colaço | Hugo Correia
O Flowing Motion, Teresa Zawitkowska
O Smokified track, André Brito
O You have no legs to run, Sara Oliveira
O Interview, George Gandy
O Never is too late, Cipriano Lucas [Manuela Machado]
O Sliding platform training, Hugo Correira | Marisa Vieira | Paulo Colaço
O Multisport and running training experiences
O Our training keypoints, Paulo Colaço